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Tue, Nov 15, 2016
DNUOPOHTRAITCOS: Do Not Use Obscure, Proprietary, Or Hard To Remember Acronyms In The Claims Or Specification. Do not use an acronym unless the acronym is more common than the underlying words. The same goes for an abbreviation. HTTP, RAM, API are acceptable acronyms. Each acronym is acceptable because the acronym is more widely known and used than the words that the acronym represents.

Patent Drafting: Detailed and Broad, Never Vague

Tue, Nov 1, 2016
A patent specification should be as detailed as possible, including as many specific examples and embodiments as possible. However, the claims in the patent should be as broad as possible. One of my biggest pet peeves is when a patent practitioner that should have a kung-fu-like grip on this topic says something like the following, referring to drafting patents: “Attorneys are taught the art of both being hyper-specific, which is necessary at times, but also the art of being anything but specific.